Medimix Natural Face Wash

7 products

Glow Up With Medimix Purifying Face Washes

With the constant rise in pollution levels, it is important to make sure your skin does not suffer from it. Your face is regularly exposed to dust, pollution and bacteria, especially due to the harmful rays of the sun leaving you with many skin problems. Cleansing is one of the most important steps in avoiding these problems, so including a good face wash in your skincare routine is strongly advised by experts. Here’s a look at a list of herbal facewash that will suit your skin type

Medimix Anti Pimple Face Wash

Medimix Anti Pimple Face Wash has a herbal formula that removes excess oil and impurities that clog your pores. This face wash for pimples contains Neem and Turmeric, both of which help to prevent acne from recurring in the future. Turmeric is a natural antiseptic, and Neem has antibacterial properties. This herbal face wash evens out skin tone and leaves you with soft, clear skin.

Medimix Moisturising Face Wash

The Medimix Moisturising Face Wash gently exfoliates the skin to get rid of dead skin cells and give your skin the care it deserves. This natural Face Wash contains Kesar, an ancient Indian secret for glowing skin, as well as Milk Cream, a protein-rich source for deep nourishment. This face wash cleans and hydrates dry skin, leaving it soft and smooth.

Medimix Turmeric Face Wash

The Medimix Turmeric Face Wash claims to be your best bet for removing tan and repairing sun damage during the long, hot summer months. Its Turmeric content lightens and brightens your skin, while Argan Oil and Aloe Vera nourish, resulting in healthy skin. With regular use of this Turmeric face wash, you can achieve healthy and glowing skin.

Medimix Oil Clear Face Wash

Medimix Oil Clear Face Wash gently moisturises and softens your skin, leaving it soft, supple, and healthy. This oily skin face wash removes dirt, oil, and makeup from your pores. This is the best cleanser for oily skin because you can use it every day for refreshed skin without worrying about clogged pores.

Medimix Anti Tan Face Wash

With its deep exfoliating properties, the Medimix Anti Tan Face Wash is designed to remove skin tan, dead skin cells, and impurities. It contains a natural ingredient such as Tanaka, a Myanmar herb that cleanses the skin while also acting as a sunscreen and antioxidant. Use this face wash on a daily basis to achieve soft, smooth, and visibly brighter skin.

Choosing The Right Face Wash For Your Skin

Trying to choose the best face wash for you can be difficult, especially if you don't know what your skin type is. If you don't know what your skin type is, find out below and master the first and most important step in your skincare routine.

Oily Skin Face Wash

Trying to keep your face fresh and radiant all day can be quite a task, especially when you have oily skin. Get oil-free, clear skin every day with Medimix Ayurvedic Oil Clear Face Wash, a natural one-stop solution for cleansing your skin and removing excess oil. This oily skin face wash contains Honey and Besan, a natural formulation that is ideal for removing excess oil and maintaining a healthy glow on your skin.

Face Wash For Dry Skin

Dry skin frequently feels itchy, flaky, or extremely tight. You need a proper face wash for dry skin as washing it with the wrong products can aggravate the dryness and flakiness. Get moisturised glowing skin with Medimix Moisturising Face Wash that contains Kesar and Milk Cream, which helps maintain a radiant glow. This natural face wash for dry skin is extremely effective at nourishing dry and chaffed skin, leaving it soft and supple.

Face Wash For Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin, look for a face wash that does not contain alcohol or soap, as these ingredients can irritate your skin. The Medimix Ayurvedic Turmeric face wash is a natural solution for your sensitive skin. This herbal face wash is enriched with ingredients like Aloe Vera, Argan Oil, Lodhra and Amaya is suitable for all skin types and gives the natural care it needs.

Face Wash For Acne Prone Skin

Have a pimple right on the T-zone during an important function? Fret not. The Medimix Ayurvedic Anti Pimple Face Wash is your natural one-stop solution for all your acne-related problems. This natural face wash contains Neem, Turmeric and many more ingredients that offer protection against external environmental toxins. Say goodbye to acne with this Medimix face wash for pimples.

Natural Face Wash FAQs

1. What Is The Best Face Wash For Acne-Prone Skin?

Dealing with acne causes a slew of issues especially with finding the right face wash for your skin. The herbal formula of Medimix Anti Pimple Face Wash removes excess oil and impurities that clog your pores. It contains Neem and Turmeric, both of which help to keep acne at bay in the future. This natural face wash has been carefully crafted to provide your skin with the care it deserves.

2. How To Get Natural-Looking Glowing And Healthy Skin?

The daily battle with dust and pollution can cause your skin to lose its natural radiance and glow. Medimix Ayurvedic Natural Glow Face Wash is your natural one-stop solution for healthy skin that looks young and glows, which will give you youthful and glowing skin. This Herbal Face Wash contains Sugarcane and Ginger, which help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines while also improving skin elasticity. With regular use, you can achieve tan-free, glowing skin.

3. Do I Need A Face Wash If I Have Normal Skin?

Having normal skin does not mean you don't have skincare concerns that you need to take care of with a skincare routine. The best possible way to care for normal skin is by using Medimix Moisturising face wash  as it will gently pamper your skin making it soft, supple, and healthy. This moisturising face wash contains Kesar and Milk Cream, which helps to maintain a radiant glow.

4. Does Turmeric Help In Removing Pimples?

Turmeric has a long history of use in skincare and beauty and has also been used by women to achieve supple skin and natural radiance. Medimix Turmeric face wash is a natural solution for your pimples and other skin related problems. Turmeric is well-known for its antibacterial properties and can help you achieve clear skin.